Saturday, November 13, 2010

Where I Eat, Pray and Love

In this Oprah Show interview, the men from the movie discuss where they eat, pray and love. At the end of the interview James Franco, who plays David, says that his eat, pray and love is all in one spot, he "didn't have to travel the world". I think this is important to remember. Sometimes what we need is right in front of us all a long.

On that note I decided to think about my own eat, pray and love.
  • Eat
My favourite dish would have to be a salmon, spinach, chickpea and mango salad. This is slightly ironic considering that I eat a mostly vegetarian diet but that's definitely my favourite eat at the moment.
  • Pray
I'm Catholic so the most obvious place that I pray would have to be the church. However,  I feel my closest to God when I'm by the ocean. There's something about it's majesty that makes me believe in the ability of something greater than myself.
  • Love
I feel my greatest love when I sit around the dining room table for a meal with my family. Stories, jokes and reminiscences make it the best part of my day.

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