Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week in Review

This week was a busy week, if I do say so myself. I spent Monday afternoon in Manly. I visited one of my closest friends from uni and my beautiful college. I miss it a lot and I didn't realise how much until I went back. I think what I miss the most is the freedom I have in Sydney, I feel confined living in Canberra, but more about that another day.
I managed to see everyone that matters and it was a lovely day. On Monday night I made dinner for two wonderful people and then we sat up for hours talking, debating and watching youtube videos of dancing. It was a great day.
Manly at Sunset
While I was waiting for my ferry from Circular Quay to Manly I discovered that my all time favourite photographer, Annie Leibovitz, is exhibiting her life's work at the Museum of Contemporary Art. I'm ecstatic. It's an exhibit I've wanted to see for ages. I'm going to take my best friend when she comes to Australia in December.
A Leibovitz work of Art
On Tuesday, I caught the early bus back to Canberra for my sister's formal. She's all grown up and finished school and she dressed up to celebrate. I did her hair and makeup and she looked awesome. A non-biased opinion of course. I also worked at her formal which was fun. I think that I was probably more excited about that than she was. The inspiration for this hairstyle was taken from Martha Stewart dot com. 
My sister
On Thursday I worked at a White Ribbon Foundation Luncheon hosted by Andrew O'Keefe. The man is exactly as he appears to be on television: friendly, smiling and funny. His obnoxious laugh is delightful. This advertisement for White Ribbon Day has to be the best advertisement of the year.

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