Saturday, November 27, 2010

Be Allanah

Gretchen Ruben is well known for her book and popular, daily blog, The Happiness Project. I visit this site frequently, not because I need advice on how to be happy, I'm figuring that out by myself, but because Ruben's writing is inspirational and reminds me of the important things in life.

Ruben has Twelve Personal Commandments of happiness that she discusses both in her book and on her blog. The first one, to Be Gretchen, involves facing one's likes and dislikes, accepting them and embracing them. Now I'm all for growing, becoming a better person and changing but I, like Ruben, feel that we need to accept what's at our core in order to really grow.

So what does is mean to Be Allanah. I like learning, alone time and snuggling up on the couch to watch a good film. I also prefer watching sport from the comfort of my own home and following the rules. I'll never be the life and soul of a party and I don't like crowds, I'm also not a fan of alcohol and I don't think I ever will be. I won't ever be a teacher, as nice as the holidays might be, and I'll never get a degree in something scientific. I don't like meditation, but I do think that reflection is important, and I'm not very fashionable. I'll also probably never like camping or hugging.

Like Ruben, the acknowledgement of these dislikes does make me a little sad. It means "letting go of what I am not and acknowledging what I don't encompass", as Ruben says, and, "makes me wish I were different". A lot of the time, this desire stems from others and not from myself. The majority appear to like something, so why don't I? I'm Allanah, that's why. It's a simple answer but it's one I forget often. One I need to be reminded of because acceptance of oneself is of the utmost importance if we are to be truly happy.

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