Monday, April 4, 2011

Balancing my Bicycle

Albert Einstein once said, "Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving".

This is a line I should learn to remember. I've lost balance, it's true, and it's all because I stopped moving. I've become so overwhelmed by everything that's happening and all the decisions I need to make that I started neglecting, what once were, the constants.

I should take a leaf out of Elizabeth's Taylors book of wisdom, which says, "I feel adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened and I'm not afraid to look behind them". This says a lot about creating one's life actively and living fully rather just existing. Right now? I'm just an existence. Life is so many things – good and bad – I managed to forget that fully living means embracing all of it, not ignoring it. We all have choices to make and as soon as I get around to making mine, I'll be able to influence what happens from her. That's a much better option than my current stagnant existence.

Here's to channelling Elizabeth Taylor and looking behind every door for my new adventures.

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