Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ten Day Cycle Revisited

So ten days came and went fast. Faster than I had expected it to to be honest so that's why my reflection on it comes a week late. Let's see how I went.
1. Blog every day for the next ten days. 
I did it! In fact, I didn't blog for the last two days and I really missed it. At this stage, when I'm unable to draw or play my piano due to a severe lack of time, writing is the best form of creative expression for me and I love it.

2. Finish reading Eat, Pray, Love
I did it! I persevered and finally finished on day ten. Expect a review in my next post.
3. Stop picking my nails
I did it! The industry I'm working in at the moment really isn't conducive to beautifully manicured paws but I've tried my best to work with what I have. Clear nail polish and lots of hand cream anyone?

4. Avoid artificial sugar for ten days. 
Ok, I admit it, I gave up one this one on day one but it will be put towards my next cycle. These articles from Urban Remedy have reminded me of the importance of trying to cut down on the old sugar devil.
5. Stretch
Stretch after my runs. 
I did it! Sort of. I think I forgot to stretch on one occasion. I get distracted as soon as I walk into the house so I'm going to try and make an effort to stretch in the garden or at park at the end of my runs rather than inside.
6. Get to bed at a decent hour
The latest I got into bed on the nights that I wasn't at work was 10.30pm which I'm happy with. In hindsight 10pm was a little unrealistic.

7. Develop a better morning routine
Fail. I made no effort towards this goal. I didn't plan what I was going to do and I all but forgot that I had even made it a goal in the first place. I'll try to make more of an effort towards this goal in my next 10 day cycle.

8. Stay in touch
Make contact with those people I've lost along the way.
I reached out to two friends that I hadn't spoken to in a while. It was great to hear what was happening in their lives and to share what is happening in mine. Relationships strengthen the soul.

9. Watch Mad Men and love it
Love it I did. Love it I do. The men in this show are awful but perfect given the time that is portrayed. Thank goodness for the women who stood up for themselves and made the opportunities in my life possible.
10. Bake that cake
That cake did not get baked. I worked every day during this cycle apart from last Sunday when I... slept. I still want to make it though. Tomorrow is a possibility.

So all in all I accomplished quite a bit during my ten day cycle. The concept is a great one. It forces us to set little goals for ourselves all of which contribute to our beings as a whole. I plan to make a few adjustments to the layout of my next cycle but I'll discuss those when I write that post. Thank you to Laura Valerie for introducing me to the idea.

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