Saturday, April 16, 2011

And, breathe.

I've mentioned her many times before but tonight I had a Skype date with my best friend and, like always, everything is just that little bit clearer. I got to talk about everything that I'd had buried within me for the past few months and I finally feel as though I can breathe again. I, "came up for air", for the first in a while and it couldn't have come any sooner.

What I realised while we were chatting was that it's so easy to become trapped within your own mind, immersed within your own thoughts of "what if". I've done it, she does it and I'm sure there are many other girls out there who do it too. What helps is having somebody to talk to without fear. For me it's my best friend, for others it's a partner, a parent, a sibling and often a psychologist.

So many people don't talk. They don't deal with the small issues and they certainly don't deal with the big ones. Many people suffer from depression and often it comes from burying the thoughts that would be better off addressed. I am one of those people and that's why Skype dates play such a major role in preserving my sanity because if I couldn't talk to her, I wouldn't talk to anyone.

I'm so grateful that I've managed to express to somebody the things that have been on my mind lately. I finally feel like I can breathe again. What's interesting is how much she needed to talk to me too. Her thoughts had managed to run just as rampant as mine had.

We shouldn't underestimate the importance of deep relationships for without them, I feel, we would all drown within the pool of our thoughts. Trusting relationships serve as the hands that wrench us up and out of the craziness that that is our own musings and force us to breathe. . If anything they teach us to see the bigger picture with the help of another's eyes and remember that everything passes, no one mindset sticks and, at the end of the day, life goes on.

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