Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week in Review

I've had another busy week but it's four more days until I'm "on holiday" and five until I leave for Adelaide so it's not too long to go now. It's also ten days until my best friend, Harri, arrives in Australia from South Africa. We're both beside ourselves with excitement that we decided to start a little travel blog as a record of our adventures. It's been almost two years since we last saw each other in person and as much as I'd like to say, "time flies when you're having fun", when it comes to not seeing Harri for two years, it feels like it!

On Thursday I started at my second industry training placement. Until the end of January I will be working in the banquets department of a hotel. It's a lot smaller (and a lot more disorganised) than I'm used to but it's great to know what I'm doing.

On  Thursday night I went to the staff, end of year party. The theme was Christmas. Original isn't it? You wouldn't think so but two of my friends went all out:
Any excuse to wear a Speedo right?
It actually turned out to be a fantastic night. I didn't particularly want to go (my dislike of "clubbing culture" is well documented) but I had a lot of fun. It's all about the people you're with I guess. I'm so glad I have a great group of friends in Canberra.

My family left on a long road trip to Adelaide yesterday. The house is so quiet! I'm looking forward to joining them on Friday though! I'll only be working one day this week so the rest will be spent preparing for my three weeks off! 

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